
New animated dead space
New animated dead space

new animated dead space

EA should have hired some real talent for this, the game deserved it really and they could have had a great movie on their hands that would have been something that the fans of the game would have grabbed up, but as it stands it looks to be something that was tossed together on a small budget, some of the stuff I see on Saturday morning cartoons is much better. They tried to copy the stylish Japanese animes of the past and present but failed rather miserably, they also mixed computer generated images in with it and it sort of looks a bit out of place. The animation reminds me of more of a child’s Saturday morning cartoon than the anime I’m accustomed too, I love anime and this isn’t quite it, it’s bastardized or Americanized anime at it’s worst really. Is it a must have movie? Sort of, it does help to understand the game better, but the actual movie isn’t that great honestly. EA released a movie as well in accompaniment to the game called Dead Space Downfall, it basically tells the story of what happens before the events in the game, so it’s kind of something that you need to see to truly understand the game.ĭead Space Downfall is an anime movie that tells the story of all of the events that lead up to the game, it’s 74 minutes long and it’s got a few other features included on the disc. I might be a bit biased though as I like horror and sc-fi genre games most of all. Dead Space the game is one of the best games to come out this year, at least in my opinion it is, though I’m sure some people will disagree with me.

New animated dead space